Boss Dr. Rhythm DR-670 Pricing Information

Boss Dr. Rhythm DR-670 Used Price


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Nov 14, 2012
While the DR-670 features new velocity-sensitive pads and a large LCD with fixed tempo display, most notable is the all-new 12-voice sound engine derived from the flagship DR-770. In total, there are 255 amazing drum and percussion waveforms grouped into 64 Preset and 64 User kits. In addition, the DR-670 features a new Bass part and an intuitive bass guitar-style interface for programming basslines using 16 distinct sounds including Finger Bass, Slap Bass, Acoustic Bass, Pick Bass, and more.

Connections to the DR-670 include 1/4 in. stereo outputs, a stereo Headphone output (stereo mini-jack type), Pedal Switch input, plus MIDI In and Out jacks.
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