The MEATBALL is an envelope follower/triggered filter with a large number of controls. Changing the position of any one affects the way in which the others will interact, this offers a truly vast array of sound possibilities (from the sublest effects to frightening untamed excesses!) and means that the Meatbal can be "tuned in." (The filter frequencies can also be tuned precisely to allow high gain distortion). While the Meatball is capable of the most gratuitous "auto-wah" abuse The large frequency and dynamic range makes it equally suitable for any audio signal whether a single sound source or program material. By treating simple waveforms it can become an analogue synth in its own right, or it can be used as an aural exciter to add sparkle and depth particularly to lifeless samples. The external trigger facility enables the filter to be triggered by a completely separate audio source which can be another instrument, pulse or click or even touching a lead connected to the input! A great way to exploit this is to use one aux send on your mixer for the sound source and another one for the trigger so you can literally trigger anything with anything which as you can imagine can give rise to some pretty freaky effects.