The Brown Source offers unparalleled purity and touch sensitivity and an uncannily warm "valvey" grunt with the absence of the unnatural fizz associated with most overdrive pedals. There is also a very tangible sense of electricity (remember that!?) as it piles on the pylon factor. It responds extremely well to filter changes (producing a throaty "voice box" type distortion) and consequently works an absolute treat with a wah in front. Because of its large image size irrespective of volume, and natural communicative response it makes an ideal recording tool or "desert island" companion. Three classic ways to use the Brown Source are for snap crackle and "pop" into a clean amp, dripping fat into a cooking amp and controlled feedback with singing harmonics into a driven amp. In the studio it can perform amazing transformations on the most unlikely time travellers, or blended in with the straight signal it can be used to add a touch of dirt to those unfashionable clean cut sounds! © Lovetone 2000