Red Witch Seven Sisters Grace Compressor Pricing Information

Red Witch Seven Sisters Grace Compressor Used Price


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Jan 15, 2017
"Grace was in all her steps, Heav’n in her Eye, In every gesture dignity and love" – Milton. If you’ve looked all your life for a truly beautiful, simple compressor your search is over. From subtle to bold, soft to firm, Grace delivers gloriously. Seven years in conception and finally realized in 2011, Grace’s siblings: the Seven Sisters, are a revolutionary new concept in the realm of guitar effects pedals. The world’s first rechargeable guitar pedals – the Sisters feature a Lithium Ion cell (like that found in your cell phone or digital camera) and internal charging circuitry. Simply connect Grace to a regular guitar pedal power supply, charge her for four hours and Voila! 120 hours of actual use! Two simple controls allow access to a myriad of squishy, compressed goodness - Volume controls....... the Volume! Comp controls....... Compression! The tiny sisters have the Worlds smallest pedal board foot print – simply meaning they take up less space on a guitarists pedal board than any other available battery powered pedal.
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