Studio Electronics Modmax Filter Pricing Information

Studio Electronics Modmax Filter Used Price


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Date of Last Price
Nov 11, 2014
SPECS: 13 control potentiometers: Level balancing output, Effect mix 100% dry to 100% wet, Mix dynamics for positive and negative modulation of effect level, Filter cutoff frequency, Resonance, Envelope follower attack, Envelope follower release, LFO rate, LFO depth (A Voltage Controlled Exponential L.F.O.!), LFO rate dynamics with positive and negative modulation, LFO depth dynamics with positive and negative modulation, Filter frequency dynamics (with positive and negative switch), 6 slide switches: Effect Soak (Drench) for serious effect level distortion, Filter mode: low pass, band pass, or high pass, FIlter dynamics polarity: + or -, LFO rate range: normal to audio frequency, LFO trigger: normal, one shot (for auto-wah), envelope key trigger, LFO waveform: triangle, square, or sample and hold,
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